The Sir. Community

February 19, 2009 Where are they now?

Well, it has certainly been a while since the Sir. Community released something from its bowels. Because the vBulletin feed that feeds our front page drops off stories older than a certain cutoff (5 years?), I've felt that it is necessary for me to write one. So, here's quick rundown of what has been happening around the Sir. Community and some of its inhabitants.

Sir. AAK625 took a trip to Denmark last December to learn the customs of indigenous Danish peoples and meet our longtime member Bobcat. Be sure to check out the pictures from that trip if you haven't already. He has been quite busy in the past few months, so if you haven't received threatening messages on MSN from him recently, don't be alarmed.

Tingle Approved

On that note, I'm headed to Sweden again! Sir. MatDef has also decided to come along...we will be sailing the Baltic Sea in May in search of meatballs, herring, and Battlefield 3. Of course, we'll be visiting DICE to check out what they've been working on and to fulfill the terms of a bet with an employee involving a donkey costume and a Mirror's Edge CD key. It's a long story. More information and pictures will be forthcoming, of course.

The *AUS* Clan (from Australia, of course) has been running an epic Battleracer tournament since January. Over 20 racers have participated in each of the seven rounds so far, in some of the awesome-est Battleracer races I've ever seen. Our very own Sir. Shpox is a participant in the tournament and I've also registered alongside him for the "Sir. Clan" team. Sir. Shpox is in a respectable 10th place out of the 30+ participants and our team is in 9th place amongst the 12 participating teams. Some people are just too damn good at Battleracer, haha. Unfortunately, we're pretty far out of contention for the awesome prize packs for the winning teams, with the top finisher receiving $300 cash. The last race is taking place on Thursday, February 26th, at 8:30PM Sydney time. The guys at netGameRadio will be shoutcasting the whole race and doing some pre- and post-race interviews.

And finally, a note of gratitude - I'd like to thank WolfServers for their ongoing support and servers that we've been using for mod testing and filming. Cheers to Sir. TheHeartSmasher from Wolf for his contributions to the community.

Posted by Sir. Elxx