Past, Present, Future(?) Community Members
This page lists just a sampling of the incredible, talented, brilliant friends who have spent time with us since 2001. Although we may consider ourselves "old" today, some of us are still around and active when we manage to make time to play some games, some of us drop by maybe once a year or two to check in, and some have vanished into the ephemeral depths of the Internet (RIP MSN Messenger).
No matter where your journey has taken you, we salute you all, and hope you fondly remember our time together.

Lady. Onion

Lady. Raaide

Sir. AAK625

Sir. Abjam77

Sir. Adamas

Sir. Agent

Sir. Akland

Sir. Alpha

Sir. AlphaWhiskey

Sir. Archer

Sir. BananaBoy

Sir. BigFuzzyArchon

Sir. Blinkerfluid


Sir. Bokeh

Sir. BoozeHound

Sir. Bugilt

Sir. Cabose

Sir. Can o Whoop

Sir. CeltFury

Sir. ChaosAK47

Sir. Chauncey

Sir. Cheesecake


Sir. ClarelakaKurt

Sir. Comanche

Sir. CooliceT

Sir. CrackerJam

Sir. Crammal

Sir. Critical

Sir. Curelean Muerto

Sir. DaLipton

Sir. DarkEagle

Sir. Darklee16

Sir. Darklegion

Sir. Darth_Master

Sir. Decripfy

Sir. Devildog

Sir. Divercia

Sir. Doc

Sir. Dosedmonkey

Sir. Dougal

Sir. Drew

Sir. Eagle

Sir. Elxx

Sir. Expl0it

Sir. EyeofGod

Sir. Fingersniffer

Sir. Fritz

Sir. FrostyUK

Sir. Fullforce

Sir. Fuzzeh


Sir. GenBrett

Sir. GenX000

Sir. Godwin

Sir. H2Yo

Sir. HackerX4

Sir. Headshot

Sir. Hellspork

Sir. Hoppum

Sir. Hybrid-Halo

Sir. Hylkema

Sir. Ian

Sir. InfernoAcid

Sir. Infin

Sir. Jameslcfc

Sir. Jeffzoom

Sir. Jimbob

Sir. Jimbosmith

Sir. Kaheiyeh

Sir. Kain

Sir. Karatehand

Sir. Karl

Sir. Karschick

Sir. Kernelwiz

Sir. KillalotUK

Sir. Killer Sam

Sir. King Cockery

Sir. Klegg

Sir. Knoxed

Sir. Krisdapimp

Sir. Kronicle

Sir. Legolas

Sir. Lilbond

Sir. Liquidice

Sir. Maddawg

Sir. Mank

Sir. MatDef

Sir. Mavrik347

Sir. Maz

Sir. Medicdude

Sir. Medicine Man

Sir. Microdrive

Sir. Mobius

Sir. Monk

Sir. NNY

Sir. NapoleonRox

Sir. Nightwing

Sir. NoHands

Sir. Nothing

Sir. NuclearDruid

Sir. Oddsodz

Sir. Onion

Sir. Polaris

Sir. Polish

Sir. Polka

Sir. Prowler

Sir. Psychosnowman

Sir. Pwnedgato

Sir. Pxl_Buzzard

Sir. Quickfeet

Sir. RKO

Sir. Raaandy

Sir. Raiden

Sir. Rampage

Sir. Rataboom

Sir. Reflexy

Sir. RoadRunner

Sir. Rob

Sir. Roqsteady

Sir. S2

Sir. SNiperAlo

Sir. SOnic*


Sir. Saind

Sir. Sashdaman

Sir. Sharkey

Sir. Shpox

Sir. Side

Sir. Sikpanzer

Sir. Slug

Sir. SomecallmeTim

Sir. Spitfire

Sir. SpungE

Sir. Stangg

Sir. Storm

Sir. Swanston

Sir. Tasty


Sir. TehDude

Sir. The-W

Sir. TheHeartSmasher

Sir. TiberianSun

Sir. Tom

Sir. Troyhw

Sir. Twister

Sir. VaSs

Sir. Vash2051

Sir. Veeence

Sir. Vika09

Sir. Webmaster

Sir. WhiteRose

Sir. WikaWoo

Sir. XaliaS

Sir. Xan

Sir. Xios

Sir. Xodus

Sir. Zypher

Sir. bzb

Sir. d0xalic

Sir. eYeball