The Sir. Community

March 14, 2008 The Sir. Community Goes to GDC (sort of)

Photo of the GDC Career Pavilion
Gamers gaming at GDC

Though it may have happened several weeks ago, the Sir. Community has finally bribed community member Sir. MatDef into writing a summary of his adventure at the Game Developers Conference 2008:

This year, once again the GDC was hosted in the Moscone Center in the heart of San Francisco, and since I was close enough to go (and had free tickets) I decided that I really had nothing better to do that day than wander around and see what all the excitement was about. I arrived, and was instantly amazed at the size of the conference. Thousands of developers were there bragging about their latest games, from Rare to Ubisoft and of course our favorite devs of all time, Dice. I went off in search of their booth to perhaps pummel a few of them but was distracted almost instantly by all the shiny hardware at Intel's booth. They had everything from dual quad core systems with 8800 Ultras to single quad core systems with dual ATI 3870 X2's (quite the hardware spectrum). After spending several hours staring and drooling at all the pretty flashing lights I realized that I was missing the main point of the GDC, the games! Far Cry 2 was running on a few computers, but the Ubisoft employees wouldn’t let any of the attendees actually play (which wasn't too bad, since it looked like all you could do with the current build was shoot branches off trees). There was plenty more to see and do, but I’m tired of writing so I'll let the pics speak for themselves.

See the full Flickr photoset...

Posted by Sir. Elxx