The Sir. Community

April 14, 2007 StrafeRight Conducts Interview On Battleracer 2142

Our great friends over at StrafeRight have posted up an interview today with two members of the Battleracer 2142 mod team. Take a look:

Me: What is the Battleracer 2142 Team hoping to accomplish with this new mod?

Sir. Elxx: Our primary goal is to bring the feel of Battleracer for BF2 into the world of 2142...for the first release, we want the basic formula to be simple so anyone can just hop in and race - newcomers and experienced BF2 racers should all enjoy the experience. After the first release, we plan to use the new features of the BF2142 engine to create new game modes such as Destruction Derby that add even more variety to the mod.

Me: Have the changes to the Battlefield engine helped in bringing anything new to the Battleracer experience 2142 other than it just being in the future?

Sir. Elxx: There are some BF2142 features that we're integrating into Battleracer such as EMP and motion mines. Hovering vehicles like the Hachimoto bring a whole new racing dynamic for us to tap into. The thing I'm most excited about is the fact that we can have poppable tires on the buggies - that's going to be an integral part of the Destruction Derby. However, some of the ideas we're developing for Battleracer 2142 can also be sent back to Battleracer for BF2 to make both mods even better.

To check out the rest of this new interview, click here. Many thanks to StrafeRight for providing all the support that they do. If you're looking for a top notch gaming community to join, look no further than StrafeRight.

Posted by Sir. AAK625