The Sir. Community

April 29, 2008 Wake Island 2142 Being Released as Official BF2142 Content

Welcome back to Wake Island 2142

The Sir. Community is pleased to say that our Wake Island 2142 map will be released with the upcoming 1.50 patch for Battlefield 2142 along with Operation Shingle, made by our close friend, Jason Brice. We are ecstatic about this release, as it's the first community content ever converted into official game material. As stated on the official Battlefield portal,, The Sir. Community has worked very closely with the DICE Live Team while producing this map and we'd like to thank them for this wonderful opportunity. However, we owe much of our success to an incredible group of people over at Through their maturity, team oriented play, tactical prowess, and good gaming morals, Wake Island 2142 went from an aesthetically pleasing landscape to a battlefield that will be thoroughly enjoyed by all.

We look forward to any and all feedback about the map when the open beta begins in the next few days. Keep in mind, just like everything in life, not everyone will be pleased. We guarantee, as a Sir. Community product, all feedback will be considered for the final release.

Update: The 1.50 Update has been released! Head to the Official Battlefield Portal Site to download it now!

Posted by Sir. Kain

March 19, 2008 BattleDirector 1.7 Released

BattleDirector screenshot

Exactly 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day after the last release of BattleDirector, we've got a new version ready for all you Battlefield filmmakers! Most importantly, it fixes the rampant crashes when viewing & rendering Battlerecorder files with the 1.4 patch for Battlefield 2142. Also, it adds support for the custom shaders used by the Project Reality and Forgotten Hope 2 modifications. There is also a small change to the filenames of camera track files for easier organization, so you may need to rename some existing camera tracks after updating.

The full changelog:

  • Fixed crashes occurring with BF2142 version 1.40
  • Added support for Project Reality and Forgotten Hope 2 custom launchers
  • Added automatic detection of BF2 & BF2142 install locations
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when Global.con was set to read-only
  • BattleDirector now asks for administrator rights in Windows Vista
  • Removed "Save Settings" button, settings are now saved automatically
  • Camera track naming convention is now bfrname-trackname to match the default tracks Battlefield generates, you need to manually rename your existing camera tracks to this format if you want to use them with BattleDirector 1.7

Download Now

Posted by Sir. Elxx

March 14, 2008 The Sir. Community Goes to GDC (sort of)

Photo of the GDC Career Pavilion
Gamers gaming at GDC

Though it may have happened several weeks ago, the Sir. Community has finally bribed community member Sir. MatDef into writing a summary of his adventure at the Game Developers Conference 2008:

This year, once again the GDC was hosted in the Moscone Center in the heart of San Francisco, and since I was close enough to go (and had free tickets) I decided that I really had nothing better to do that day than wander around and see what all the excitement was about. I arrived, and was instantly amazed at the size of the conference. Thousands of developers were there bragging about their latest games, from Rare to Ubisoft and of course our favorite devs of all time, Dice. I went off in search of their booth to perhaps pummel a few of them but was distracted almost instantly by all the shiny hardware at Intel's booth. They had everything from dual quad core systems with 8800 Ultras to single quad core systems with dual ATI 3870 X2's (quite the hardware spectrum). After spending several hours staring and drooling at all the pretty flashing lights I realized that I was missing the main point of the GDC, the games! Far Cry 2 was running on a few computers, but the Ubisoft employees wouldn’t let any of the attendees actually play (which wasn't too bad, since it looked like all you could do with the current build was shoot branches off trees). There was plenty more to see and do, but I’m tired of writing so I'll let the pics speak for themselves.

See the full Flickr photoset...

Posted by Sir. Elxx

January 14, 2008 Movie Release - Desktop Battlefield

Desktop Battlefield

If you thought the battle ended when you left the commander's chair because your mom made you a bologna sandwich, YOU WERE WRONG. Desktop Battlefield is a short film by Sir. XaliaS of The Sir. Community that chronicles the struggle between two soldiers whose epic battle extends past the streets of Karkand.

Check it out right here!

Posted by Sir. Shpox

December 24, 2007 Merry Christmas

We would all like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Many Sir. Community members are currently spending time with their families, and we'd like to encourage everyone else to do the same. Take care and enjoy the holiday season!

As 2007 draws to a close, there's one more important event I should tell you about - ModDB's 2007 Mod of the Year Awards. We are very honored that BF2:Sandbox made it to the top 100 - if you haven't done so already, go vote and support your favorite Battlefield mods! Thank you for your ongoing support.

Speaking of Sandbox, we're gearing up for the first public beta test of Sandbox 1.0. We want to allow the players to give their feedback early in the development process so the mod fits the wishes of the Sandbox fan community as a whole. With your help, it's going to be the best release of Sandbox ever!

Posted by Sir. Elxx