The Sir. Community

October 22, 2011 Stunts Resurrection - The One We Forgot...

Almost lost in the archives of the internet, Stunts Resurrection was never officially released by The Sir. Community. As Battlefield 3 edges closer and stunting fever is taking over, we have released this stunt movie from Battlefield 2.

Made in 2008 when we took a break from filming in Battlefield 2142, edited and directed by Sir. AlphaWhiskey, we hope this recharges your stunting batteries for BF3.

Posted by Sir. Sashdaman

October 16, 2011 Sir. Just Got Social!

Sir. Community social media pages

As part of Sir.'s preparation for the upcoming Battlefield 3, we have set up some social streams for you to keep updated with our latest videos, activities and events. Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to us on YouTube.

Be in Our Next Stunt Movie! If we need more soldiers on the Battlefield for whatever we're filming, we'll post it on all these streams. That means you can be in our next stunt movie or join us base jumping off of Damavand's helipad.

Fight With Us! If we're taking a break from flying jets under bridges and blowing jeeps across the map with C4, then we'll be ranking up in a server. You can join us there too and fight along side us. Who knows, we could make a clan!

Posted by Sir. Sashdaman

October 7, 2011 Caspian Border - 64 player testing this weekend

A chance to try a proper Battlefield map in the last few days of the BF3 open beta!

From Friday afternoon CET.

Should be a good oppotunity to get a feel of what the final game will be like.

Posted by Sir. bzb

September 20, 2011 BF3 Beta starts September 29th (27th for the lucky few!)

The game mode will be rush - so like battlefield just without (most of) the vehicles, if you dont like using beta software you may find BC2 gives a similar experiance.

It does seem somewhat puzzling not to test conquest which would surely stress the game more completely but then Im not entirely familiar with how you test these modern console games.

Specs and more information from;

Posted by Sir. bzb

August 16, 2011 New BF3 Multiplayer Footage Showcasing Vehicles and Aircraft

Posted by Sir. XaliaS