The Sir. Community

July 11, 2007 New Forums + Sandbox 0.5 Live!

Launch your ModJive Application to grab the latest version!

What's new in this version, you ask? New objects have been added so you now have over 100 different things to spawn. The Battleracer DPV also makes a cameo - the boost on this car allows you to build racetracks with massive loops and other cool things. You now have a grappling hook and zipline in your disposal to aid in construction. The main menu also includes a Starter Guide that serves as a quick reference to all the functions in Sandbox.

The biggest addition in 0.5 is the grouping functionality. This allows you to group hundreds of objects together and move them as one. Groups can be saved using the new Sandbox Network feature and then loaded on any server in any map. Grouping makes it extremely easy to construct massive creations.

The Sandbox 0.5 trailer highlights some of the new content you'll find inside.

Also, the new Sir. Community Forums are live, click here!

Posted by Sir. AAK625